
Private lessons

Specific French, exam preparation, support or mentoring, book your individual classes " a la carte ".


Formations éligibles aux financements entreprise, OPCO, CPF*, Pôle Emploi et certifiées Qualiopi depuis décembre 2021.

Public : All. Adult to child

Solo or duo

Level : from beginner (A1) to advanced (C2)

Objective(s) : a program designed to suit YOUR goals : French general , professional, or specialty, exam preparation, academic support, etc...

After a precise analysis of your needs and your objectives, we will define your course program together.



Rythm : flexible : between 1H30 and 15H/week

Lessons duration 1: 00 AM, 1H30 or 2H

Times: flexibles . Between 9am and 7pm

Starting dates: all year long

*CPF funding :
– Pour toute formation financée par le CPF (Compte Personnel de Formation) la passation de la Certification CLOE est obligatoire.
- mandatory 15 days between your registration and your starting date.

Cours en solo  : 68€/H – Chinois : 71€/H
Cours en duo : 74€/H – Chinois : 80€/H
– 18 ans: réduction de 20%
Frais d’inscription annuels incluant votre livre : 65€


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NEW ! Starting in January, 2025, check out our workshops, every day from 11: 30 to 12: 30 pmMore information